Всеукраїнська Федерація
Танцювального Спорту та Брейкінгу
Member WDSF
Міністерство молоді та спорту України

Шановні спортсмени, тренери, судді та вболівальники танцювального
Рішенням Президії ВФТС від 18 липня 2020 року заплановано проведення
Чемпіонату України з танцювального спорту 02–04 жовтня 2020року
у м. Києві за адресою: Палац спорту «Венето-Sport» (ТОВ«Спорткомплекс «Меридіан»),
вул. Героїв Севастополя, буд. 11В.

Baner_ЧУ 20201



Проєкт Стратегії розвитку фізичної культури і спорту до 2028 року

Шановні члени ВФТС, прошу ознайомитись з проєктом Стратегії розвитку фізичної культури і спорту до 2028 року, що розроблений Мінмолодьспорту. Зауваження та пропозиції до проєкту Стратегії пропонується направляти від федерацій до 5 червня 2020 року. В свою чергу просымо зацікавлених осіб вичитати проєкт та направити свої пропозиції у Президію до 03 червня 2020 року, щоб ваші міркування могли б бути обговорені та вчасно подані в Мінспорту.       http://dsmsu.gov.ua/media/2020/05/22/16/merged22.pdf

A message from the WDSF PRESIDENT April 20th,2020

Dear Athletes,                                                                                                    wdsf-for-fb1

I hope that all of you, and your loved ones, are safe and well. In the past weeks, I’ve received messages from a number of you. We are all anxious to know when this pandemic will end. I am thus writing to you, in hope that this message will shed a little light on the plans of our federation, and the possible steps that can be taken right now.

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge the magnitude of the disruption to our lives that the coronavirus pandemic has wrought. As DanceSport athletes, our lives are built on close physical contact with our partners, groups, and the dance community, and of course, international travel. Many, if not all of you, are unable to practice, teach, and compete like before. I empathize and feel the frustration and anxiety that many of you are experiencing.

I have been asked by many athletes and coaches when WDSF is likely to start our competition events again. I would like to assure you that we are all making preparations and plans to assist our members and organizers to kickstart WDSF events as soon as the situation allows for it.

In addition, I have noticed that many of you have been taking steps to stay motivated. For example, watching and sharing dance videos, live streaming, and finding new ways and venues to continue your practice. I am very appreciative of the vigor and resilience that many of you have shown.

There is one main message I would like to share with you today. And that revolves around the theme of adaptation. Before the pandemic, I received feedback that because there were many competition events, many athletes were not able to find the time to really work on their dancing. Dance weaknesses were given a “quick fix”, and routines remained unchanged, simply because of how fast-paced and busy an athlete’s lifestyle is.

The world is dramatically changing, and I believe that this is a good time for many of you to look closely at the areas of your own dancing. For those of you who are seasoned with a present routine, you could even take this time to tap into your creativity and innovate. For example, you can consider having a second routine or variations, which would make your performance even more exciting for your supporters and fans, particularly when competition events are broadcasted on television in future. In times of uncertainty, research has shown that keeping a daily routine can really help. Though spaces at home are limited, if possible, find ways to do things at certain times of the day, even simple things, that can help you progress in your dancing.

Perhaps every one of you can use this period of restricted travel to think of ways to make positive change in your lives. What can you do to keep yourself motivated and well? What can you do to take care of the people around you, and spread positive energy?

In closing, I wish all of you safety and good health. Take extra precautions to protect yourselves and your loved ones. On our part, we will do whatever we can to launch events as soon as the circumstances permit. This is undoubtedly a challenging time for all, but time can be used in a constructive way. Don’t count the days, but make every day count.

I look forward to seeing all of you better and stronger on the dance floor.

Warmest Regards,
Shawn Tay
WDSF President

Шановні спортсмени, просимо ознайомитись з інформацією, щодо міжнародного рейтингу.

Dear National Member Bodies,
Please be informed that the WDSF decided on a temporary pause of the WDSF ranking system to avoid expiration of ranking points during the absence of WDSF events caused by the situation with the COVID-19.
The WDSF ranking system has been paused directly after the latest WDSF event-weekend, 14-15 of March 2019, and will be reinstated starting from the first WDSF event.
We ask for your co-operation to extend this information to your athletes.

WDSF Office
On behalf the WDSF Sports Department


Шановні тренери , судді, спортсмени.

просимо звернути увагу, що у зв’язку з продовженням карантинних заходів в Україні відмінено наступні змагання:

28/03/2020          Весняний Бал 2020 Житомир Олег Супрунчук Скасовано
28/03/2020          Кубок Ректора 2020 Кропивницький Спінул Ігор, Горбань Ольга Скасовано
04-05/04/2020   Срібний Едельвейс-2020 Львів Олег Левицький Скасовано
04/04/2020          Квітневий Вальс 2020 Коростень Володимир Ніколайчук Скасовано
05/04/2020          Астра – 2020 Дніпро Олександр та Олена Красношлик Скасовано
25/04/2020          Кубок Славутича Славутич Юлія Красківська Дмитро Кириєнко Скасовано
25/04/2020          Кубок Южно-Української АЕС 2020 Южноукраїнськ Людмила Самчинська Скасовано

2020 Important Announcement


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